英國呼籲進口商重視進口水產品認證標章新規定英國Seafish一再呼籲水產品進口商,為省去不符運送規定慘遭退貨的昂貴成本,應深諳為管理水產品進入英國市場,已於2008年7月生效的現行認證標章新規定。Seafish也與港口衛生管理聯盟(APHA)合作,推出認識認證標章新法令宣導指南。 在進口水產品的澎湖民宿認證標章中最簡單的做法,即是在產品離開製造公司前完成標章清楚、不褪色,讓負責之機關易於辨識與明確標示的特徵。不論是全名或縮寫,標章皆需詳列與ISO標準一致的國名產地,公司生產批號亦需明列在內。為了方便標示動物來源的大型包裹,作為進一步在另一地點處理加工、包裝等作業動物源產品之關鍵字排名標示,已減少規範,但必要時邊境稽查人員仍會要求進口商提出相關文件或其他方式之保證,證明此確有需要作上述作業。減少相關限制的詳細範例可參照APHA指南。欲索取更多水產品進口歐盟認證標章的APHA指南相關資訊,請上網址搜尋。(摘譯自開幕活動Infofish Trade News,3 February 2009 )SEAFISH HIGHLIGHTS RULES FOR LABELLING SEAFOOD IMPORTSImporters of seafood need to be fully aware of current rules governing the identificationmarking of fishery products destined for UK markets, warned Seafish. To help understand 租房子theimplications of the new legislation, Seafish has worked with the Association of Port HealthAuthorities (APHA) on an explanatory guidance note.The new identification mark requirement took effect in July last year, but it is worthreiterating that the key point is to 酒店經紀avoid the costly rejection of consignments that do not meetthe requirements.In its simplest form the identification marking on the seafood product to be imported, must beapplied to the product before it leaves the production establishment. The marks must belegible and 婚禮佈置indelible, the characters easily decipherable and must be clearly displayed for thecompetent authorities. The mark must indicate the name of the country in which theestablishment is located, either written out in full or shown as a two letter code in accordancewith the 酒肉朋友relevant ISO standard. The mark must also indicate the approval number of theestablishment.There is a reduced requirement, for marking product of animal origin arriving in largepackages intended for further handling, processing, wrapping or packaging in 酒店工作anotherestablishment. Where considered necessary, border inspection staff will ask the importer tosupply documentation or other forms of reassurance that the product is indeed intended forone of these activities. The APHA Guidance contains examples detailing, when the 建築設計reducedrequirement can apply. Further information on the APHA Guidance Identification Marking ofFishery Products imported into the EU can be found at:

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